If you have worked at PwC, Deloitte, KPMG or EY, you have worked with this type of person. I will call them a financial statement terrorist. But they can really be a terrorist on any type of project at the big 4 accounting firms.
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The person that cannot let a financial statement, tax return or client proposal go out the door without having their impact. I call them terrorists not to make light of terrorism but because of the metaphor of holding something hostage. They hold financial statements, tax return and other projects up at the last second with meaningless comments. I mean meaningless to you and me. To them, they are the comments with the utmost importance. In their mind, they don’t let anything go out the door that has a mistake in it.
These people can seemingly face down clients and other partner yellilng at them. Just people berating them and telling them that they are destroying the firms reputation with XYZ client. They don’t care. You aren’t going to penetrate their thick skulls.
Do you know why. Because in their minds, you are just a numskull. You are one of the dumb masses. They are the white knight at the gates of a golden fortress. They are the last guard holding the kingdom together. They are willing to face down whatever comes.